Blogging Being

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I like to believe in coincidences. That way it is easier to deal with happenstance than dissect and analyse the ‘bigger scheme‘ of things that we aren’t privy to.

A couple of days ago I found great food for thought (as much as I was tempted to say food for blog, I shall let the cliché survive) on Lorelle’s recent Blog Challenge post. Just the thought sounded yummy and I said so. But I had no idea what definition I would give. I had shied away from it some time ago, when I had asked the same question to a few bloggers. Blogging means a whole lot of things to me and at the time I put my comment on her post, all those meanings were happily rioting against the floodgates that barricade my otherwise unruly thoughts.

Coincide the above with: The day after I did AFJ’s tag, I thought I would give the ‘answer‘ to the tag. But no, it wasn’t meant to be. I ended up running from here to nowhere via everywhere including WordPress WordPress Support. (The fine folks I always talk about). The problem was quickly resolved. Now, the response post wasn’t critical. At all. It could have been posted even after this post – it wouldn’t have mattered. But just the thought of not being able to post on my blog…!
Blogging doesn’t define me (and thankfully so; given the fifteen-odd blogs that I presumably “write”, I would be easily diagnosed with multiple – (and somewhat split) personality syndrome). I do, however, define blogging, and yet the definition is elusive. I talk of the kind of definition that we have all grown accustomed to.

x is y with z features.

A few of you who have been long-standing victims of my obsession with words, meanings and contexts will know my dilemma. What meaning do you ascribe to something like blogging? It is always easier, I believe, to derive meaning of multiple contexts, and blogging lends itself just fine to multiple contexts.

Blogging is spaces. It is about the spaces that we inhabit, in the world or the worlds that we create for ourselves. We believe we know our space, we are protective about it, often possessive about it. A blog becomes just that and a bit more. It allows for a meandering exploration along those in-between white spaces in between our worlds; those that we don’t often notice and hardly care for. When we are in the white space, when we see from that vantage, we see a lot of colour. There is a vigorous sense of being alive.

Blogging is fear. It is about two types of fear. One that we are able to overcome, often through anonymous blogging, a way for expressing that the otherwise imposed social rules of engagement do not allow us to. This is not floccinaucinihilipilification. Some of the best bloggers are anonymous and it doesn’t change a thing about the beauty and insight in their writing. At the same time, blogging causes fear. Well, fear is too strong a word, but after a while the material attachment to the post-count, comments, stats and therefore the readers, brings a tense sense of holding on. The blog becomes as human as we are. It has flesh and blood – and it has feelings. The cycle continues.

Blogging is judgement. Of every word that dims a few pixels on your screen. Of every post that was born of a thought that refused to disintegrate and crumble at the feet of your neurons; that insisted on being born. Of every reader who reads your post and says something, or doesn’t. Of the blog round the corner that often times does a tad better than my blog. Of the blog round the corner that often times does a tad worse than my blog. In these hallowed halls, where you become the judge and the accused in half-duplex, all is seen through a discerning eye. All is sliced up and spiced up, and given a permanent place, assigned a value.

Blogging, however, is mostly expression. An otherwise delinquent thought becomes a well-behaved angel and sits smartly in a post. And a million such, together create that wonderful experience that is not the author; the blog is seldom the author – it is the author’s projection of colourful thoughts like a festive London Eye on a moonless night, spinning at its own happy whim and in its own blissful frenzy.

And yet I haven’t done any justice to what blogging means to me. The most important context of it all; the most elusive: a blog’s cajoling nature that urges you to articulate more and articulate better (which has yet to work perfectly for me, what with the high level of abstraction that my discrete words adorn).

Ever had a dream, when you felt that you were in a deep dark abyss, falling and rising at the same time, lit up at both ends? Then you know what I mean.

23 thoughts on “Blogging Being

  1. thats a wonderful challenge u my dear brother, have lived up to it and so well!

    honestly though, i didn’t know ud’ be the kinda person who’d be bothered abt blog stats and all that u know 🙂 i put a counter once, and then removed it – never found any use of it. the comments do seem to matter – for they are means of connecting with others. more importantly (and these kinda comments are usually rare), comments help look at things from a different perspective. something which i believe we all need. it is comments of the latter type that are an absolute delight, the ones that eventually turn into threads of beautiful conversation, a sort of a journey of discovery…

    one thing that people often mistake is for the blog to be or closely related to its author and u’ve put that neatly – it is indeed the author’s projection of thought. beautiful!

    oh, and your categories – man, this post has got soooooo many 🙂


  2. I don’t think I have come across anyone who takes blogging as seriously as you do. You make it a serious affair; not to be taken lightly and with ease manage to put so much responsibility in the act.

    This made such profound reading, not just for the fact that I actually belong to the fraternity but because you add a new meaning to it all.


  3. ==Dharma:
    Thank you so much 🙂 Mucho pleased!
    Stats are as much an indication of what your blog means to other people as comments. For example, the <b>teweimfh</b> above has been a silent reader for a long time. I know that person. Statistics are indicators of the truth – never the truth themselves, so you have to take them with a pinch of salt; this is true of statistics in general, not just blog stats.
    As for comments – I agree that the delight in the comments that further the meaning of your thought – yes – they are the cherished ones. Yet even the simpler, ‘wow, beautiful post’ kind of comments are important. While they may not engage or give rise to further meanings or explorations, they are definitely an indication that some person some where has connected with you in some manner.
    Am glad that you agree @ reflection. And thank you once again 🙂 This particular post is a summary of sorts, I guess, nearly all categories therefore were tagged! 🙂

    We hardly ever make effort to do something well, if we don’t take that thing seriously. I like blogging, so I take it seriously. However the ‘taking it seriously’ in now way affects the fact that I enjoy it whole heartedly. I know you didn’t mean otherwise, however, the moment you mention responsibility, I guess you mean it in the way I blogged about it. 🙂
    Thank you so much 🙂


  4. I wonder sometimes if I would have started blogging in the first place – It’s because of the passion that bloggers like you bring to this art form that makes it worth it and inspiring…

    Take care buddy and Thank you…


  5. ==Jolvin
    You have (knowingly or otherwise) defined the purpose of your blog.Passion is everything! Cheers! And thank you.


  6. Pingback: Inside Blogging « Vanity of Vanities
  7. Usually a beer drinker, the first time I tried a cocktail was because someone whose opinion I respected insisted on it. So I tried it, but really, found nothing to change my loyalties alcohol-wise.

    My blogging experience is unfolding a bit like that long ago drink. A few sips into it, there is some kind of new activity at taste bud level but nothing at conversion level yet.

    So I came here looking for the recipe, to learn more about the stuff in my glass. Guess I’ll look around some more.


  8. ==Vipul:
    This comment deserves a post, really, as a response. But for now, let it suffice to say – that the pleasure is in drinking. You may enjoy different drinks in a different manner, but the pleasure (and the philosophy) of having a drink remains the same. No wonder, most bars serve beer, wine, spirits, and cocktails in the same place? 😉



  9. Pingback: Come, Have a Drink « Gaizabonts
  10. “A blog is the authors projection of colourful thoughts, and not the author itself” is definitely true. You have fifteen odd blogs? You seem to have some kind of blog-o-sclerosis 🙂 I had four, but I shut down one and I am still struggling to manage three!

    To me, blogging is about self-expression that is pleasing/useful to others. So, obviously the ‘others’ part is as important as myself on my blog. It has to be! 🙂

    Destination Infinity


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