Cancelling Friends

After many-a-forwards, I had become weary of those that came in the mailbox constantly asking me to be positive. A badly-formatted, and often badly-worded mail forwarded by a friend who wasn’t in otherwise in touch, was to become my motivation pill for the day. There is a good chance that the subject line for such forwards was “Good Morning” or something equivalent. Each such mail made me hate them even more, sometime the disgust transferring to the sender.

Recently, A friend started forwarding some interesting mails. And in separating the shit from the better ones, I ended up scanning these mushy-motivating mails.

It seemed to me that they had a recurring theme – be grateful for what you have, live in the moment, there is someone who loves you, value of friends and family, or a mash-up of the above. I still did not dwell upon them, yet, in the scanning could not help but notice them.

When I think of these in the context of how life happens to you, it starts making sense (which, does not justify the mushy, pastel coloured, diffused filter images and Hallmark text).

We pursue and seek that which is not available.


If you have planned to go for a picnic or a movie with five friends, all agree to join and at the last minute, two of them cancel, do you invest your energies in convincing them to come or do you invest it in enjoying the time with those who are willing to come? Often, the three who are willing to come, are taken for granted, whether they realise it or not. The movie or the picnic gets cancelled and a possible good time, is denied. In these very fast-paced and over-burdened times it is pretty difficult to do what was possible ten years ago. It is time allow people to cancel; time to allow them to make the choice.

To live in the moment, with those who are there. Even if those who are there is only you.

14 thoughts on “Cancelling Friends

    • Seems that even if some friends cancel on you, there are some in the world somewhere who always walk and be with you! You are most welcome! Happy to be the messenger (though, I did not read the message) 😉


  1. I think I totally understand what you’re talking about. And you last line is a good palce to start. But the problem is, and it’s a highly humane feeling, and nothing but logical, what isn’t there will be missed. So, apart from appreciating what is already there, it is perfectly healthy to miss what isn’t.
    Something my dad tells me, “you can feel, but you shouldn’t expect’. your friends will come when they can. and your time spent with them will much better then bcos they didn’t come just bcos u wanted them to, but bcos they wanted to..


    • I should be welcoming you, methinks, isn’t this your first comment here? I think your Dad has a very beautiful and a profound thought there. Intentions matter. And it is always better that they are present in mind, body and spirit! (no pun intended)


  2. i loved the title.

    the worst are those with 30 years of bad luck warning…

    but then, there’s a friend who sends some hilarious, super short fwds tht make my day.


    • Glad!

      Yeah! Don’t remind me, I have accumulated enough bad luck to last me for the next six lifetimes! I wish more of them (the friend who forward) were as thoughtful as some of them!


  3. to live in the moment, even if it’s only with yourself – that’s a beautiful thought.

    watched this lovely ad recently which expresses a similar thought. do check out ‘mayfly vodafone advert’ on youtube.


    • (To both your replies)
      Saw it & Thanks for pointing that out to me! The background music seems to be fused with something – but reminds you of Labi Siffre, and why not – coz they had this ad in the UK – search for “Vodafone ‘Magical’ advert (It Must Be Love – Labi Siffre)” on youtube. First result. 🙂


  4. to live in the moment, even if it’s only with yourself – that’s such a b’ful thought.

    running on the same thought is this wonderful ad – ‘mayfly vodafone advert’. do watch – you’ll find it on youtube!


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