Knowing Beauty

Some things are just beautiful. Sometimes they start beautiful and remain or grow beautiful; sometimes they don’t start beautiful but become beautiful as time passes by. Then, there are times when you have to make things beautiful. But whatever way they start, some things are just beautiful.

Being friends is one of those things.

And more so, when love is entwined with friendship. So much that you cannot make out which is which. And it doesn’t matter. What matters is that it is there and it is nourished and growing. Not as a chore, but because it comes to you naturally — as naturally as you would breathe. And you don’t have to do something to nourish it; just cherish it. As it grows, it becomes stronger and more beautiful.

The winds of fate will blow rough, reckless and random, and without intention, threaten to hurt you. But you remain safe and strong as love envelopes you tight within its arms. When it opens its arms and allows you to move, travel and walk, it also allows you to defy the distance that geography creates and continue to cherish it. It requires no force of action. Just to gently hold it and give it a place in your heart to grow and to fill it.

Knowing Beauty

And never once does it ask you to let go of your identity or be someone else. It seeks no proof or confirmation. It does not judge, this combination, of behaviour. It understands what is without and what is within. It transcends time and events that should have, but never occurred.

It floats.

You no more see beauty, you know it — you experience it. It lasts forever; I have known it for twelve years.

9 thoughts on “Knowing Beauty

  1. Viky and I know each for fourteen years and have been married for the last three.. Both of us (me more than him) have gone through so much change in identity.. the only thing that remained constant was knowing that either of us will be around for each other-come what may. I guess all I am trying to tell you is I guess I understand what you feel πŸ™‚
    Very moved..made my day.
    Here’s to more beauty surrounding the both of you and your world. God Bless.


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