Wandering Monk: Straight Ahead

With his new-found lightness, he walked on. Now very far away from where he started, the otherwise familiar road looked foreign to him. The landscape had changed, and the same trees and birds and grass that he once knew were close, felt distant. The path that was rough and the once friendly signposts refused to reveal the direction to his destination.


The mountains were all covered in an impenetrable haze and the horizon had become a flat colour of nothingness. He walked, nonetheless, in what felt like — straight ahead. With each step into this alien cloud, the presence in the haziness of his journey seemed to clear in his mind. He looked at the path, it was one that was chosen a long time ago. With small changes along the way, it was well possible that he could be walking away from the destination. Or perhaps the destination itself had changed during his long walk.

However, it was also possible that the direction he was walking was fine-tuned and sharply aimed at his destination.

He had no way of knowing.

He maintained his pace, trusting his destination to guide him.

14 thoughts on “Wandering Monk: Straight Ahead

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