5 Ways to become a Bad Photographer

  1. Never carry your camera around. Make excuses that it is heavy, too obvious, etc.
  2. Imagine, and be influenced, by the feedback, that you are a professional
  3. Compare yourselves with the work that others do
  4. Take feedback so seriously that you become someone you are not (and end up doing work that you don’t want to)
  5. Forget, why you used to love photography, in the first place

9 thoughts on “5 Ways to become a Bad Photographer

  1. el numero cuatro is so true, I hope I never get to a place where my photos are just what people want to see and not a reflection of who I am


  2. Not guilty of #1, #2, and #5. But guilty of #3 and #4. I think comparison to the others is required as long as it helps you define your own style. But not more. One curious thing I have seen is that people literally stare (not look) at me when I take a picture on the street. Maybe it’s a mindset or maybe I am new to the field, and therefore yet to get used to this. It’s very disconcerting. So one more point can be added: ‘Be shy of taking out your camera at the right time and miss the photo opportunity.’


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